Dear Sir & Madam,
find here your Emission News 06-2016 with practical information about emission trading for operators and aviation industry. Free of charge or paid you will get actual information around the following topics Monitoring Concept, ETS Report System, Verification, Portfoliomanagement and Consulting, DEHSt-Registry-Services, Auctioning, Purchase and Sale EUA, aEUA, CER, ERU Certificates.
Swing to the Right in Poland Leads to Change in the Country's Coal and Climate Policy
Since the right wing party PiS took over in Poland, their plans regarding energy and climate policy become more and more obvious.
Political and economic objects are targeted by methods of a strict party membership management and are put into practice in breath-taking speed. The fact that strange kinds of persons are installed in leading positions, this partially in bizarre night and fog actions, is rather a means to the end. As coal and workplaces are central subjects in Poland, the present leading party PiS now ruling with an absolute majority will have to find quick solutions for the existing severe and acute problems – even if the solutions will harm considerably the country's energy economy at national level and probably also at municipal level in the future.
Emissionshä® as the leading CO2 trader in Poland asked around and investigated for many months in the country. The results can be found here under <link fileadmin emissionshaendler dateien emissionsbriefe co2-emission_news_en__06-2016_swing_to_the_right_in_poland_changes_climate_policy.pdf>Emission News 06-2016. Not only Polish industrial customers and heat suppliers should be interested in this news because effects on Poland's climate policy may certainly occur soon in Brussels.
Kind regards
Michael Kroehnert
Trading access to EEX Leipzig, ICE London, Nordpool Oslo
CO2-Registry account: EU-100-5015589-0-78, DE-121-5022235-0-16
EU-VAT: DE249072517, GEI-Nr.: 529900UY2HCX46P56U29
Helmholtzstraße 2-9
D- 10587 Berlin
Management Michael Kroehnert
District Court –Charlottenburg, HRB 101917
Phone: +49 30 398 8721-10
Fax: +49 30 398 8721-29
Mobil: +49 177 309 22 00
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