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Dear Sir & Madam,

find here your Emission News 06-2017 with practical information about emission trading for operators and aviation industry. Free of charge or paid you will get actual information around the following topics Monitoring Concept, ETS Report System, Verification, Portfoliomanagement and Consulting, DEHSt-Registry-Services, Auctioning, Purchase and Sale EUA, aEUA, CER, ERU Certificates.

VET Report of the DEHSt draws attention to ineffective support of the Ministry (BMUB) for Non ETS Emissions - EUA Excess Volumes grow

The VET report about the EU-ETS emissions was published by the DEHSt on 1 June 2017. Contents of this report are among other subjects the previous year's total emissions of German facilities being part of the EU system of trade-able emission rights (EU-ETS) and their structure.
This VET report shows clearly that the EU-ETS has fulfilled its tasks but the divisions of the non EU-ETS in Germany have not. But this is exactly what the Federal Environment Ministry refuses to confess and blames a “non functioning EU-ETS” for the fault, and ineffective support programmes being worth billions fail to be stopped instead of using this money better for more effective measures.

A guest commentary by Jürgen Hacker makes this correlation transparent and proves it by figures of the DEHSt VET report (DEHSt is, as it is known, an authority of the Federal Environment Agency UBA and consequently affiliated to the Federal Environment Ministry).

Furthermore Emissionshändler.com® report in their <link fileadmin emissionshaendler dateien emissionsbriefe co2-emission_news_en__06-2017_dehs_report_vet2016_genebelt.pdf>Emission News 06-2017 about the aspect of excess volumes of emissions certificates in the EU-ETS. In fact the VET report refers objectively about the excess volumes but the consequence of the effects on a certificate's price should find attention.

Kind regards

Michael Kroehnert

Trading access to EEX Leipzig, ICE London, Nordpool Oslo
CO2-Registry account: EU-100-5015589-0-78, DE-121-5022235-0-16
EU-VAT: DE249072517, GEI-Nr.: 529900UY2HCX46P56U29

Helmholtzstraße 2-9
D- 10587 Berlin
Management Michael Kroehnert
District Court –Charlottenburg, HRB 101917

Phone: +49 30 398 8721-10
Fax: +49 30 398 8721-29
Mobil:    +49 177 309 22 00
Mail: <link>kroehnert@emissionshaendler.com
Web: <link https: www.emissionshaendler.com _blank>www.emissionshaendler.com

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