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Dear Sir & Madam,

find here your Emission News 11-2015 with practical information about emission trading for operators and aviation industry. Free of charge or paid you will get actual information around the following topics Monitoring Concept, ETS Report System, Verification, Portfoliomanagement and Consulting, DEHSt-Registry-Services, Auctioning, Purchase and Sale EUA, aEUA, CER, ERU Certificates.

Cybercrime in Online Banking Could Harm Safety of Union Register - 3 Years Updates Occurring

Incorrect activities of authorized representatives in the register might cause the possibility of a certificate theft in case of an insufficiently secured mTAN procedure. Due to fraud series with stolen mobile TAN numbers (mTAN) in online banking leaked out lately the question arises in how far certificates of the Union register's account are still safe if simultaneously authorized representatives of a system operator violate the register regulation's rules. Emissionshändler.com® examines in its <link fileadmin emissionshaendler dateien emissionsbriefe co2-emission_news_en_11-2015_cyber_crime_and_updates_genebelt.pdf download file>Emission News 11-2015 being presented here the possibilities and procedures leading probably to a possibly successful cyber theft of certificates (as already happened in 2010).

We furthermore report about the running invitations of DEHSt to update data being necessary for the opening (at that time) of an investment account of the system operator as well as about personal data of the relevant authorized representatives. We also reproduce in a foreign reporting from BBH a survey about the level of the financial market directive MiFID II and how this would impact on system operators, traders and public utilities.

Kind regards

Michael Kroehnert

Trading access to EEX Leipzig, ICE London, Nordpool Oslo
CO2-Registry account: EU-100-5015589-0-78, DE-121-5022235-0-16
EU-VAT: DE249072517, GEI-Nr.: 529900UY2HCX46P56U29

Helmholtzstraße 2-9
D- 10587 Berlin
Management Michael Kroehnert
District Court –Charlottenburg, HRB 101917

Phone: +49 30 398 8721-10
Fax: +49 30 398 8721-29
Mobil:    +49 177 309 22 00
Mail: <link>kroehnert@emissionshaendler.com
Web: <link https: www.emissionshaendler.com _blank>www.emissionshaendler.com

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