Dear Sir & Madam,
find here your Emission News 13-2016 with practical information about emission trading for operators and aviation industry. Free of charge or paid you will get actual information around the following topics Monitoring Concept, ETS Report System, Verification, Portfoliomanagement and Consulting, DEHSt-Registry-Services, Auctioning, Purchase and Sale EUA, aEUA, CER, ERU Certificates.
Carbon Leakage and Windfall Profits in the EU-ETS - Taking Stock in the middle of the current trading period
The ”Carbon-Leakage Danger“ for the European industry and the much maligned “Windfall Profits” are themes which are repeatedly a target for lobbyists, NGOs, and media of the European emissions trade.
According to the view of Emissions-hä®, the topics Carbon-Leakage and Windfall-Profits should be subject of a more objective consideration at the second half of the third trading period of the European emissions trade. This above all because studies were published which strengthen one or another myth and risk to lead the discussion about frame conditions for market participants of the 4th trading period in a wrong direction.
In the <link fileadmin emissionshaendler dateien emissionsbriefe co2-emission_news_en__13-2016_carbon-lekage_and_windfall_profits.pdf>Emission News 13-2016, Emissionshä® sheds some light on the rather unusual unity within the range of political parties in our neighbouring country France, in terms of environmental and climate issues. In its article, also presents the opinions on how climate and environmental issues are viewed by ordinary French citizens.
By the way: Visit us at E-world 2016! Hall 2 – Booth nr. 200

Kind regards
Michael Kroehnert
Trading access to EEX Leipzig, ICE London, Nordpool Oslo
CO2-Registry account: EU-100-5015589-0-78, DE-121-5022235-0-16
EU-VAT: DE249072517, GEI-Nr.: 529900UY2HCX46P56U29
Helmholtzstraße 2-9
D- 10587 Berlin
Management Michael Kroehnert
District Court –Charlottenburg, HRB 101917
Phone: +49 30 398 8721-10
Fax: +49 30 398 8721-29
Mobil: +49 177 309 22 00
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