The Allocation Data Report
Allocations are dynamically adjusted
In the course of the allocation request, an allocation may be requested for each allocation element. The historical activity rate of an allocation element corresponds to the arithmetic mean of its annual activity rates in the respective reference period. For the fourth trading period, the reference periods are as follows:
Allocation period (2021-2025): average of the years 2014-2018.
Allocation period (2026-2030): average of the years 2019-2023.
Once the installation operator has received its allocation, however, this is not fixed over the years. Automatic allocation reductions or increases can take place within the framework of annual reviews. The basis for this review is the allocation data report to be prepared by the installation operator every year on 31 March.
The allocation data report is a compilation of operational data intended to provide information on changes in the activity rates of the allocation elements. Automatic allocation adjustments are made whenever the 2-year average of activity rates shown in the Allocation Data Report deviates by more than 15 % from the historical activity rate recorded in the allocation application. A new adjustment in the same direction within an allocation period shall only be made if the newly determined value is again exceeded or fallen short of by at least 5 %. Only if the value falls below the 15 % threshold again does the original entitlement to free allocation arise.
DEHSt's aim is to adjust the free allocation to the current, actual operating status of the installations and thus to the demand for allowances.
In order to prevent false incentives in the context of the application of heat or fuel benchmarks, automatic allocation adjustment is waived if the installation operator can prove that a falling activity rate is due to an increase in efficiency or the installation operator can prove that an increased activity rate is not accompanied by an increase in production, but is due to a deterioration in efficiency.