The Monitoring Plan in the 3rd and 4th trading period
DEHSt is keeping an eye on you!
Operators of an installation know that at the beginning of each trading period a monitoring plan has to be submitted to the authority DEHSt.
The monitoring plan is the basis for the entire monitoring of emissions. It is the basis for the reports to be prepared annually: the allocation data report and CO2 annual report.
In the monitoring plan, you as the operator must record and describe how you proceed in determining the annual CO2 emissions. The measuring instruments and methods used, the procedure for documenting the data, and the employees responsible for the relevant activities are just some of the many points that you must list in the report.
A monitoring plan must be updated any time significant changes are planned at the facility. Since 2020, it has also been required by the DEHSt that changes to the monitoring plan must be approved by them in advance before they become relevant to the emissions calculation.
In May 2020, DEHSt stipulated for the first time that the monitoring plan for the 4th trading period 2021-2025 must be submitted in a form management system (FMS).
Violations of the submission obligation can result in fines of up to 50,000 euros.
Further information on the monitoring plan can be found in the menu item Knowledge of emissions/Monitoring Plan
What exactly is the problem?
Ein Überwachungsplan hat stets vollständig, korrekt und in sich konsistent zu sein. Die hier von der DEHSt verlangte Präzision im Umgang mit sowohl technischen als auch administrativen Daten stellt erfahrungsgemäß viele Unternehmen, insbesondere bei der erstmaligen Erstellung eines Überwachungsplans vor deutliche Probleme.
Falsche oder unvollständig aufgeführte Methoden im Überwachungsplan werden also nicht nur eine fehlende Genehmigung der DEHSt zur Folge haben, sondern ziehen im schlechtesten Fall eine durchaus vermeidbare finanziellen Mehrbelastung durch behördlich verhängte Bußgelder nach sich.
Zu den bisherigen gesetzlichen Vorgaben an einen Überwachungsplan kommen in der 4. Handelsperiode zusätzliche Anforderungen hinzu, die nunmehr eine Aktualisierung und Neuausrichtung des bestehenden ÜP für die 4. HP notwendig machen.
Darüber hinaus verlangt die DEHSt ab der 4. HP erstmalig, dass der Überwachungsplan anhand eines Formular-Management-Systems (FMS) erstellt werden muss, das für jeden Betreiber einen zusätzlichen Aufwand bedeutet.
We can help you!
If you need concrete help with the initial creation, update or fundamental review of your monitoring plan, please contact Emissionshä® immediately. We will ensure that your monitoring plan complies with the current requirements of the DEHSt.
We review and check your measuring point list, your plant diagram, your current organization matrix, your method report of the allocation application, examine the latest audit reports of your verifier and consider many other factors of your plant, so that a complete and consistent monitoring plan is created.
We then take care of the often time-consuming communication with your verifier as part of the verification process, as well as entering all the data into the special Form Management System (FMS). All that remains for you to do is to transmit the completed monitoring plan to the DEHSt via the virtual mailroom.
Our offer to you!
Your monitoring plan is no longer up to date? You have to incorporate the changes of the past year into an updated version in December? You have a significant change during the year that has to be reported immediately to DEHSt in the mandatory FMS?
You can't waste time because you first need the legally required approval of the monitoring plan before you can implement your technical change?
As soon as you have described your concrete request to us, we will immediately prepare an individual offer for you. Do not hesitate to contact us!
Emissionshä will gladly take over the revision of your monitoring plan for the 4th trading period (HP) for you.