The emission report
Important, but also correct?
Plant operators subject to emissions trading must submit the emissions report to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) by 31 March each year.
The emissions report is a compilation of all fuel quantities used and their CO2 emissions.
Based on the current monitoring plan approved by the DEHSt, you must therefore list all fossil fuels and biogenic fuels burned by your plant in the previous year and determine the resulting CO2 emissions.
You should start your work at the beginning of December, based on the fuel data from January to November. However, you should start working on the emissions report at the beginning of January at the latest, when the last energy bill of the previous year is available.
By submitting the emissions report, you fulfil your obligation to inform DEHSt about the emission quantities of the previous year as well as the composition and emission factors of the fuels used. The quality of the emissions report must comply with the legal requirements, i.e. the criteria of accuracy, completeness and consistency must be met.
After it has been prepared, the emissions report is verified by an auditing organisation commissioned by you in accordance with the four-eyes principle.
What's the problem?
Parallel zum Zuteilungsdatenbericht müssen Sie sich darum kümmern, dass auch der Emissionsbericht rechtzeitig seinen Weg zur DEHSt findet. Bis zum 31. März. muss der Emissionsbericht bei der DEHSt eingereicht sein.
Eine Nichtabgabe sowie eine fehlerhafte oder nicht rechtzeitige Abgabe des Berichtskann neben einer Sperrung Ihres Registerkontos zum 01.04. Bußgelder bis zu 500.000 Euro nach sich ziehen.
We can help you!
If you need concrete help with the preparation of your emissions report in the period January-March of each year, please contact us.
Emissionshä will be happy to review and evaluate your data and prepare your emissions report based on the approved monitoring plan. Any inconsistencies that may arise due to missing measured values, fuel changes or other operational peculiarities will be identified, analysed and corrected by us with the necessary technical expertise.
After all data has been entered into the DEHSt's form management system (FMS) and your data has been checked again for consistency, we coordinate with the verifier, who then usually only has to wave the report through within his verification organisation.
After successful verification, you only have to send the emissions report to DEHSt via the virtual post office.
Last but not least, the VET register entry must be made, i.e. the entry of the emission quantity shown in the emission report in the register. Emissionshä will gladly take care of the necessary steps here as well.
Our offer to you!
If you need help with the preparation of your emissions report (CO2 annual report) or would like to hand over the complete reporting work to a service provider, please contact us. Describe your request and we will prepare an individual offer for you.
Do not hesitate to contact us!