Welcome to Emissionshändler.com
The experts for CO2 consulting and trading
Emissionshändler.com offers companies trading, service and consulting services around the mandatory German national emissions trading and the mandatory European emissions trading.
In doing so, we have specialised in services that enable medium-sized and smaller plant operators to engage in legally compliant emissions trading.
Our central service is the regularly published Emissionsbrief, for which you can register here free of charge.
Participants in BEHG DE emissions trading
From 01.01.2021 CO2 will have a price in Germany! Gas suppliers and the mineral oil industry are affected by the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG) if they purchase gas and fuels untaxed and place them on the market. More information here.
Our products and services
Emissionshändler.com as a trading, consulting and service company buys and sells emission allowances, advises companies in TEHG and BEHG emissions trading and takes over their essential processes as an external service provider. More information here.
Plant operators in EU emissions trading
Since 2005, emissions trading has been mandatory for energy suppliers and the vast majority of industrial sectors in the EU member states. Anyone who burns fossil fuels under the TEHG must buy EUA certificates on the open market if they are not allocated enough free of charge.
BEHG Deadline for monitoring plan 31.10.2023 - VallJet in France: Successful CO2 trickery since 2012
By 31.10.2023, every company in the national emissions trading system must submit its monitoring plan. This can be done in a simplified or regular version and submitted to the DEHSt for review.
The fact that the submission must be carried out in a rather complex technical IT system is further explained in this Emissionsbrief 08-2023 from Emissionshändler.com, after this was already initially presented in the previous issue 07-2023.
In today's Emissionsbrief, we also bring our series on compliance violations in European aviation to a close with a statement by the Vice President of the EU Commission.
EU decides on further scarcity of EUA certificates - The nuclear and natural gas critique of EU taxonomy
The further reduction of EUA volumes in the EU ETS, which was announced by the European Commission at the end of July and will already fully affect the calendar year 2024, is driving the concerns of plant operators. Not only will more have to be purchased because less will be allocated, but EUA prices can also be expected to rise as a result.
Whether and how this lowering of the current cap and the expansion of the EU ETS to include shipping from 2024 will drive up prices is something we will look at again on the basis of the final figures now available.
In this consideration of possible price effects, it should not be forgotten that the EU had already decided in May 2023 that the free allocation and surrender of emission allowances would be postponed from February/April to June/September.
In our present Emissions Letter 09-2023, we therefore not only analyse the possible shifts in the annual price curve resulting from this, but also begin our series of articles on the primary energies gas and nuclear, which are suddenly to be described as "green" according to the EU taxonomy.
Municipal utilities with BHKW and district heating plants below 20 MW, gas suppliers and large mineral oil traders as well as tank farm operators are affected by the new national emissions trading system nEHS from January 2021. Information, training and up-to-date information can be found here.
Emission knowledge
Emissions trading is on everyone's lips, at the latest after national emissions trading nEHS starts in Germany from January 2021. You can find all information on European and German emissions trading TEHG and BEHG in our CO2 Wikipedia.
About us
The Emissionshändler.com team has been dealing with emissions trading in Europe since 2005. From our company headquarters in Berlin, we are active as consultants and traders in the areas of mandatory/voluntary emissions trading in Germany (BEHG) and Europe (TEHG).