The Allocation Data Report
You win some, you lose some!?
With the start of the 4th trading period, the notification on operation was replaced by the allocation data report.
The Allocation Data Report not only means a shift away from a capacity-based allocation calculation to a dynamic allocation concept with automatic annual allocation reductions or increases, but also administrative changes. Like the emissions report, the allocation data report must also be submitted to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) in verified form and this must also be done annually by 31 March.
As with the notification of operations, the allocation data report is a compilation of operational data intended to provide information on changes in the activity rates of your allocation elements.
In future, allocation adjustments will be made in accordance with the Allocation Data Report whenever the reported 2-year mean value of the activity rates deviates by more than 15 % from the historical activity rate recorded in the allocation application. A new adjustment in the same direction within an allocation period is only made if the newly determined value is again exceeded or fallen short of by at least 5 %. Only if the value falls below the 15 % threshold again does the original entitlement to free allocation arise.
DEHSt aims to adjust the free allocation to the current, actual operating status of your installation and thus to your demand for allowances.
Further information on the Allocation Data Report can be found under the menu item Emissions Knowledge.
What's the problem?
An incorrect or incomplete allocation data report can have a nasty impact on your company's coffers, considering that an automatic allocation adjustment is the consequence if the rolling 2-year average deviates more than 15% from the activity rate stated in the allocation application.
However, an allocation reduction is not the only scenario you may face as an operator. Missed chances for an increase of the free allocation as well as fines for omitted mandatory notifications up to 50,000 Euros can make life difficult for you as an operator.
In particular, we would like to point out at this point that an allocation adjustment made under certain circumstances does not have to be accepted without complaint. In order to prevent false incentives in the context of the application of heat or fuel benchmarks, DEHSt can refrain from an automatic allocation reduction if you can prove that a falling activity rate is due to an increase in efficiency. In the same way, DEHSt can also deny you an allocation increase if it can prove that an increased activity rate is not associated with an increase in production but is due to a deterioration in efficiency.
We can help you!
If you need concrete help for the preparation of your allocation data report in spring and do not want to take over the data entry into the special form management system (FMS) of the responsible authority DEHSt, please contact Emissionshä® immediately to request an appropriate offer. We will take over the review and evaluation of your production data and related peculiarities, such as missing measured values, fuel changes, technical changes to the plant that affect the activity rates.
Subsequently, we take over the often time-consuming communication with your verifier in the course of the verification process on the one hand and the input of all data into the special Form Management System (FMS) on the other hand. All that remains for you to do is to transmit the completed allocation data report to the DEHSt via the virtual mailroom.
Do you feel that you have been treated unfairly because your allocation has been reduced or you have been denied an allocation increase? We would be happy to take a look at your situation and support you in presenting your interests to the DEHSt.
Our offer to you!
As soon as you have described your specific request to us, we will immediately create an individual offer for you.
Do not hesitate to contact us!