The account package for the legally compliant management of an account
Participation in the EU ETS obliges the company to maintain a registry account in the EU Union Registry.
In order to avoid severe sanctions or sanctions that could threaten the company's existence, the company must ensure reliable and legally compliant management of the registry account by appointing the appropriate authorised representatives.
The initial set-up of the registry account and its legally compliant management is taken over by Emissionshä within the scope of the account package by providing an external authorised representative. In this way, Emissionshä can ensure the correct and timely implementation of legally prescribed account activities and trading transactions while maintaining the four-eyes principle, so that a sanctioning of the company pursuant to § 21 and § 22 BEHG can be avoided. Depending on the requirements, a detailed description of the services included in the account package can be found below at Emissionshä
Companies that not only strive for the best possible risk minimisation and economic efficiency in the area of registry account management, but also want to position themselves optimally in all areas of EU emissions trading, are advised to consider the CO2 Carefree Package offered by Emissionshä
If you are interested, please request our non-binding draft contract for the EU-ETS CO2 packages.
Click here for more details of Emissionshä's services for the CO2 account package for plant operators
- installing Emissionshä as an authorized representative in the company's registry account, including electronic registration with the EU login, the EU authentication system.
- assuming an active role as an account representative in the company's registry account, i.e. initiating all necessary activities with subsequent approval by an account representative of the company. The goal is to relieve the company of all account management. (e.g. transactions of certificates, return of certificates, corrections due to over-allocation, VET entry, administration of account representatives).
- optional, if desired: assumption of an exclusively passive role as an account representative in the company's registry account, in the event that account representatives or the company's technology fail and the execution of the most urgent legal obligations is ensured (security backup).
- creation of new account representatives in the company's registry account. This includes creating new EU login accesses, generating the necessary user IDs (URID) in the Union Registry, and assigning them to the appropriate company registry accounts and new account holders (not in case of a change of company/operator).
- assistance in obtaining the necessary documents, such as excerpts from the Commercial Register, VAT ID No. proofs, information on the company in accordance with Art. 11b EU Directive 2005/60/EC and personal documents.
- implementation of changes in personal or communication data of authorized account holders, including preparation of the corresponding electronic applications.
- setting up new and removing no longer required plant operator and personal accounts for the company, incl. processing the necessary electronic applications to the EU and DEHSt.
- setting up and deleting trusted accounts of the account holder.
- support in case of access problems to the registry account as well as navigation in all menu items of the registry account. If necessary for problem solving, taking over communication with the German Emissions Trading Authority /DEHSt).
- telephone coordination for necessary activities in the registry
- support in the mandatory, regular update check of the data of existing account representatives and account holders according to Art. 22 (1) of the Registry Regulation 2019/1122 or Art. 25 (1) RegVO 389/2013.
- documentation of dispatch and acknowledgement of receipt in case of transfer and return of certificates.