The VPS package for secure communication with DEHSt

Electronic communication between companies subject to compliance in EU emissions trading and DEHSt within the scope of reporting and registry account management must take place via the Virtual Post Office (VPS). Using the qualified electronic signature (QES), the VPS enables secure and legally binding electronic communication.
As part of the VPS package, Emissionshä takes over the set-up and administration of the company's VPS mailbox at DEHSt. This means, on the one hand, that Emissionshä always ensures that all necessary documents are electronically signed and submitted to DEHSt in due time and, on the other hand, that Emissionshä ensures that all correspondence with DEHSt following the original VPS process is taken into account in the processing procedure.
Nothing is more annoying than not being able to submit completed documents on time due to technical problems (no access to VPS mailbox, signature card expired). All essential information on the VPS can be found in our brief information for download here.