Do you place fuels on the market?
Then you are affected by the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG)
The German national emissions trading system (nEHS) for fuels started on 01.01.2021. The basis of the nEHS is the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG), which forms a central part of the German government's national climate protection legislation.
If you place fuels such as natural gas, heating oil or diesel and petrol on the market, then you will fall under the legal provisions of the SESTA from the start of 2021. Fuels such as. Coal or crude oil have been covered by the nEHS since 01.01.2023. From 2024, the incineration of waste will also be included in the nEHS. A complete list of all fuels affected can be found in Annexes 1 and 2 of the SESTA. You don't know exactly whether you are a "distributor" within the meaning of SESTA? You lack both the time and the resources to deal satisfactorily with the challenges involved?
No problem. We will do it for you!
We offer you all the information, advice and services you need to act in a legally compliant manner within the framework of national fuel emissions trading and to take advantage of economic optimisation opportunities as they arise.
Having worked as an advisor in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for many years and due to the fact that the nEHS is in many respects closely aligned with the EU ETS, we see ourselves as an expert partner with experience in emissions trading who will be happy to support you in the tasks and obligations that the nEHS entails.