Renewed change to certificate costs in national emissions trading as of 1 January 2024.
The amendment to the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG) intends to fully restore the CO2 price for the years 2024 and 2025 in accordance with the established path in the first version of the BEHG. This return will set a fixed price per emission allowance/t CO2 of EUR 45 in 2024 and EUR 55 in 2025.
Following the entry into force of the BEHG amendment (expected 1 January 2024), which was adopted by the Bundestag and Bundesrat on 15 December 2023, the aim is to publish the 2024 nEZ sales calendar in the first quarter of 2024 and to start selling nEHS allowances (nEZ) with the 2024 year code and the limited subsequent purchase of the 2023 year code. Otherwise, however, there will be no changes to the trading system (purchase and 10% additional purchase option) in the next two years - as at 31 December 2023.
The entire price path 2021-2030 can be found in the phases of the BEHG.
The generation of CO2 certificates for private and business customers
The entire range of business offers, the many years of successful and holistic activity in the CO2 market as well as our name Emissionshä also lead, according to experience, to many interested parties from the private and non-emissions trading market contacting us. In particular, this concerns constant enquiries about the generation of CO2 certificates.
For private individuals and companies interested in this, we have compiled current information here.
The fuel coke and coal - determination of the BEHG obligationThe fuel coke and coal - determination of the BEHG obligation
There are no simple rules for the fuels coke & coal and their possible BEHG obligation, as is usually possible for gas & oil. Unfortunately, the question of the energy tax obligation - and subsequently a BEHG obligation - only leads to a limited result. This is a dangerous and stressful state of affairs for companies that may be affected, as in the worst case the BEHG obligation is only established two years later by the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt). Administrative offences and sanctions as well as large financial losses are then the consequence for the company concerned.
Emissionshä shows how a company can quickly and easily identify a BEHG obligation on its special page on coke and coal.
Emissionshä launches a fully comprehensive VPS service from 01.02.2023!
Companies in EU emissions trading that are subject to compliance must handle their electronic communication with the DEHSt authority via a virtual mailroom VPS and provide each document sent with a qualified electronic signature (QES).
With this system, nothing is more annoying than not being able to submit completed documents on time due to technical problems, or not being able to comply with requests sent by the authority because the deadline has passed and the documents are no longer in the accessible mailbox.
The setup and administration of your VPS mailbox at DEHSt is now handled by Emissionshä including a complete QES service with your own signature card. Download short info here.
Phase 2 of the BEHG for solid fuels and specialty oils has begun
Unternehmen der Kohleindustrie, sonstiger Festbrennstoffe und Spezialöle, etc. die ab dem 01.01.2023 von der zweiten Phase des Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz (BEHG) betroffen sind, bieten wir ein attraktives BEHG-CO2-Sorglos-Paket, das aus den Teilen Administration und Handel besteht.
Anforderung eines Vertragsvorschlages zum administrativen BEHG-Paketes hier.