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The emissions report in the nEHS

The determination of CO2 emission levels

As a participant in the national emissions trading system (nEHS), you are obliged under Section 7 (1) BEHG to prepare an emissions report for your company and submit it in electronic form to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt).

The emissions report records the emissions of the fuels subject to the nEHS that you placed on the market in the previous year and can thus be prepared at the beginning of a year at the earliest. It is advisable to start the reporting work as early as possible in order to avoid any deadline pressure. However, the work should be completed by July at the latest, as every year by 31 July the fuel emissions must be determined on the basis of the monitoring plan and the electronically signed emissions report must be submitted to DEHSt via the DEHSt platform in verified form if necessary. The verifier's task is to confirm that the emissions report is technically correct, complete and consistent. Remember that the coordination with the verifier required during the verification process also ties up resources. Incorrect, untimely or non-submitted emissions reports can result in fines of up to 500,000 euros and further sanctions.

The emission report lists the fuel emissions of the fuel quantities you put into circulation in a calendar year. The basis for the emissions determination is the current monitoring plan.

An emissions report that does not comply with the legal requirements can result in significant financial penalties and, in the worst case, jeopardise the existence of the company. While an emissions report that is not submitted, not submitted on time or not submitted in full can result in fines of up to 500,000 euros, failure to submit the report also leads to a blocking of the registry account.

If you need concrete help with calculating emissions, electronically creating the emissions report in the DEHSt platform and communicating with your verifier in the period from April to July each year, please contact Emissionshändler.com immediately.

Remember that the preparation of your emissions report must always be in line with the current version of your monitoring plan and any changes in the type of fuels placed on the market and their applicable emission factors can be expected over the years. Since this not only costs time but also ties up human resources, it may well make sense to outsource such processes to an external service provider on a permanent basis. We would be happy to offer you our support.

Would you like to have your emissions report prepared by a specialist on a one-off or permanent basis?
Do not hesitate to contact us, we will work out an individual offer for you.

If you are considering outsourcing your administrative duties in the nEHS permanently and completely to an external service provider, we would be happy to offer you our support as part of the BEHG package we offer.

Further information on: Monitoring and reporting in the nEHS/BEHG