The Emissions Letter from Emissionshä
Here you can subscribe to our free emissions newsletter.
This will provide you with information from the practice of EU emissions trading and national fuel emissions trading. Free and up-to-date information on monitoring and reporting in the BEHG and EU-ETS, communication on operations and exchange-based and bilateral CO2 trading.
The free Emissionsbrief is published approx. 8-10 times a year in German and covers topics related to European emissions trading.
By subscribing, you declare that you would like to be informed in the future on topics related to European emissions trading. You will receive information on all aspects of emissions trading, such as allocation requests, carbon leakage lists, monitoring, reporting, operational notifications, data collection, price and volume information from European emissions trading and the EUA purchase and sale, as well as on selected aspects of environmental and climate protection.
You agree that Emissionshä / GEMB mbH may inform you about the selected topics and, if necessary, contact you by telephone, provided that you have also given GEMB mbH your telephone number at a later date. Your data will be used exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes. In particular, no data will be passed on to unauthorised third parties.
You are aware that you can revoke your consent at any time.
The <link 1317 _blank internal-link "Opens internal link in current window">Privacy Policy</link> of GEMB mbH applies, which also includes further information about possibilities to correct, delete and block my data.