General overview of seminar modules
Here you will find a list of our current modules as an individual or complete overview, which are available for seminars and training courses by Emissionshä® in rooms provided by you (e.g. also hotels) or in in-house seminars in your company on site.
As a general overview of all standard seminar and training topics, a pdf document is available for download here.
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Overview of the seminar and training modules
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01 Emissions trading in Europe - basic knowledge
Emissions trading in Europe - basic knowledge (module no. 01, duration 30 min)
- Why European emissions trading?
- Basic rules and mechanisms of European emissions trading
- Important annual dates in emissions trading
- The EU Trading Scheme and its participants
- Reporting and controlling in emissions trading
- EU requirements for controlling in emissions trading
- CO2 trading 2005-2020 - What has been learned?
02 Overview of the different CO2 trading products and trading types
Overview of the different CO2 trading products and trading types (module no. 02, duration 45 min)
- Characteristics of the EUA market
- What are CER certificates
- Structure of the market and its actors in emissions trading
- The costs and ancillary costs of access to the exchange
- Added value of advice and market information are worth money
- Buying and selling emission allowances on the exchange
- Live listing on the CO2 Exchange in London
04 The Fuel Emissions Trading Act BEHG and the national emissions trading nEHS for gas, mineral oils, petrol/diesel, etc. as of 01.01.2021
The Fuel Emissions Trading Act BEHG and the national emissions trading nEHS for gas, mineral oils, petrol/diesel, etc. from 01.01.2021 (module no. 04, duration 45 min)
- National emissions trading under the Climate Change Act
- Who are the participants in the BEHG
- What are the fuels in the BEHG
- What is the objective of the national emissions trading scheme nEHS
- The phases of the nEHS 2021 to 2030
- The principle of monitoring and reporting
- The monitoring plan and the annual report in the SESTA
- Double counting and the demarcation from European emissions trading
- The maintenance of a registry account for nEHS allowances
- The management of allowances
- The surrender of allowances to DEHSt
06 Price development of CO2 certificates
Price development of CO2 certificates (module no. 06, duration 25 min)
- Factors influencing prices in emissions trading
- The price development of certificates in 2008-2020
- The development of emissions in the EU and the cap
- The development of surpluses in the EU ETS
- The Market Stability Reserve MSR
- The price development in 2019
- The current price development situation (May 2020)
- CO2 market development - price factors from 2020
- The price development 2008-2020
- CO2 price development - factors from 2020
07 The technical side of emissions trading in power plant technology
The technical side of emissions trading for power plant technology (module no. 07, duration 50 min)
- The allocation application and reporting obligations
- Emissions trading and its obligations
- Explanation of the relevant terms and definitions of emissions trading in the technical installation
- The emissions reporting for the installation
- The technical installation and the operational notification
- The definition of a technical installation in emissions trading
- The CHP plant in the flow diagram
- The internal and external balance limits of an installation in emissions trading
- The effects of the balance limits
- The production plant in the flowsheet
- The industrial CHP plant
- Free allocation for CHP plants
- The measurement technology in plants subject to emissions trading
08 CO2 auctions in Europe 2013-2020
CO2 auctions in Europe 2013-2020 (module no. 08, duration 25 min)
- Why auctions instead of free allocation?
- Disadvantages of auctions
- The requirements of the EU Auctioning Regulation
- Primary auctions on the EU auction platform - single price procedure
- The auctions of the EU, Poland, Germany and Great Britain
- When auctions take place and on which days/times
- In which periods how many allowances are auctioned
- The quantities and proceeds of the auction
- The use of auction proceeds
- The primary vs. secondary market in emissions trading
- The costs of participating in an auction
- Why secondary market instead of auctions
09 Allocation rules 2013-2020 and 2021-2030 - Who gets how many free allowances under which circumstances
Allocation rules 2013-2020 and 2021-2030 - Who gets how many free allowances under which circumstances (module no. 09, duration 55 min)
- Overview of trading periods, allocation types and CO2 allocation quantities
- The free allocation quantities in Europe
- The emission volumes in Germany according to the VET Report
- Characteristics of the 3rd trading period vs. 4th trading period
- Factors of free allocation in the period 2013-2020 and 2021-2030
- The benchmarks, their application and calculation
- What are product benchmarks?
- What is the fall-back method?
- What are heat and fuel benchmarks
- Benchmarks and process emissions
- The change of benchmarks in the 4th trading period
- What is carbon leakage (CL) and who does it affect?
- The carbon leakage regime in EU emissions trading
- The reduction of the free allocation for industrial plants that are not listed in the CL register
- No free allocation for electricity producers
- The allocation for CHP heat production and district heating
- The free allocations and their reduction 2013-2030
- The Cross-Sectoral Correction Factor (CSF)
- The Linear Reduction Factor (LF)
- The determination of the historical activity rate 2021-2030
- The Notice to Proceed (MzB)
- The formula for calculating the free allocation
10 Reporting/levy obligations in the European Emissions Trading Scheme
Reporting/levying obligations in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (module no. 10, duration 30 min)
- The Monitoring and Surveillance Directive
- The determination of emission types and quantities in the Greenhouse Emissions Trading Act (TEHG)
- The three reporting obligations: monitoring plan (MP), operational notification (OP) and annual CO2 report (AAR)
- The monitoring plan as the basis for reporting
- The operating report as evidence of effectiveness (primary energy use vs. product emissions).
- The CO2 annual report as evidence of the emission quantities emitted
- Scheme of reporting and monitoring pathways
- The fines for improper reporting
- The German FMS form reporting system
- The obligation to surrender certificates
- The reporting and reporting obligations in the annual overview
- The "marketing penalty", the publication of "CO2 offenders
11 Biomass as fuel for combustion plants
Biomass as fuel for combustion plants (module no. 11, duration 20 min)
- Legal basis for biomass combustion
- National requirements of Directive 2009/28 EC
- Suppliers and users of biomass
- Biomass from plantation cultivation
- Miscanthus as biomass
- How much biomass can be burnt in which types of plant?
- Examples of an economic efficiency calculation
- Waste and co-incineration vs. biomass
- Biomass and the emissions trading obligation
- Profit potentials of biomass combustion
12 Theft, tax fraud, manipulation and money laundering in emissions trading
Theft, tax fraud, manipulation and money laundering in emissions trading (module no. 12, duration 35 min)
- VAT fraud 2008-2011 in emissions trading
- How does a VAT carousel work
- Fraud through alleged tax liability
- "Fake" sales on CO2 spot exchanges
- Where are the tax fraudsters now and what are their activities from 2012 onwards?
- Theft and phishing of certificates
- The Federal Environment Agency's investigation into money laundering in emissions trading
- The reasons why money laundering in emissions trading is attractive
- Legal aspects of money laundering
- The different types of money laundering
- The presumption and suspicion of money laundering
- Black money and black certificates turn white
- The income tax aspects of money laundering
- The manipulation of the market and its different variants
- Prevention and measures against money laundering
- The 28-point list for detecting attempted money laundering in emissions trading
13 The CO2 registry system - handling, account types, obligations, ECAS
The CO2 registry system - handling, account types, obligations, ECAS (module no. 13, duration 30 min)
- The legal basis for the CO2 registry
- Worldwide greenhouse gas registry systems
- The EU ETS account in EU emissions trading
- The Kyoto account in international allowance trading
- The most important account types in the EU Registry
- Which allowances can be held in which account?
- Valid and invalid allowances
- Requirements for a registry account
- Authorised representatives and their verification
- Transactions of holding accounts
- Trust accounts and time delays
- The ECAS security system
- Confirmation of transactions by a 2nd authorised representative
14 Legally compliant emissions trading in the company
Legally compliant emissions trading in the company (module no. 14, duration 30 min)
- The CO2 department is everywhere in the company
- Employees produce risks in emissions trading
- Overview of liability risks in emissions trading
- Penalties in emissions trading and who is liable for them in the company
- Administrative offences in emissions trading and who is liable for them in the company
- Personal liability of the managing director
- The ECAS problem and mobile phone suppliers
- Criminal offences in emissions trading - who is affected?
- Possible internal organisational models for emissions trading
- The Virtual Post Office VPS as a High Risk
- Register account management in the company
- Obtaining information in the company
- Controlling and reporting tasks in the company
- Trading of allowances in the company
15 CO2 inventory management and deletion for the purpose of compensation / climate neutrality
CO2 inventory management and cancellation for the purpose of offsetting / climate neutrality (module no. 15, duration 25 min)
- The public European Emissions Trading Registry in Brussels
- Installation operators in the EU Registry and DE Registry
- Cancellation of allowance types EUA and CER in the registry
- Documentation of cancellations
- The legal basis for voluntary cancellation of allowances
- Entry of cancelled allowances in external databases with an ID no.
- The possibilities of mixing allowance types
- The maintenance of climate offsets via ID numbers
- Price structure of certificates for cancellation
- The principle of CO2 offsetting of different certificates from EU emissions trading and climate protection projects
16 Climate protection marketing (KSM) as an innovative unique selling proposition
Climate protection marketing (KSM) as an innovative unique selling proposition (module no. 16, duration 35 min)
- Global warming and CO2 properties
- Environmental protection vs. climate protection
- Products and mobility vs. climate protection
- How does climate neutrality and climate compensation work?
- Calculation of the CO2 quantities of various products and services
- The basic approach of climate protection marketing
- Climate protection and climate compensation attract attention
- The product and information benefits of climate protection marketing
18 Climate protection marketing in practical application
Climate protection marketing in practical application (module no. 18, duration 30 min)
- Climate protection marketing (KSM) - initial situation and strategy for implementation
- Climate neutrality for products
- The possibilities of visualising CO2 savings and offsets
- Three building blocks in climate protection marketing: advice, PR/marketing, certificates
- Pricing of the climate protection marketing service
- Exemplary pricing of offsets
- Structured steps towards the first climate protection marketing project
- The transparency of CO2 offsetting and its verification
- The climate vignette and the climate certificate for mobile and non-mobile offsetting situations